Friday, January 19, 2018

Fresh new Ideas

Just in! We've got some new beautiful Semi-precious stones and we are putting our heads together to come up with some new fabulous jewelry for the Spring. Stay tuned...... Sign up for our newsletter to get preferred offers and discounts.
We are doing maintenance on our website right now so we can be the best we can be for you. Check back in with us soon.
Have a great weekend.

-Fantabulous Jewelry

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Fresh new year, fresh new colors


A fresh new year has begun, and it's time for some fresh new colors.
In the world of Depeche Mode, (i.e. fast fashion or fashion update)
Pantone© has announced the 2018 Spring colors. What color(s) will be your favorite?
Our personal favorites are Meadowlark, Blooming Dahlia, and Arcadia in addition to London's 2018 Spring color Ash Rose. Hmm? Will Ash Rose make her way over here in the States this Spring? Interesting thought, though.... Whichever color you choose as your favorite, have fun with it!
Let us know your favorite Pantone© Spring 2018 color you would like to see us incorporate in our jewelry line and we will do our best!
Have a great week!