Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!!! 2015

Hi Everyone!
Happy 2015! Well, 2014 has gone bye-bye and we all have to get used to writing, now, 2015. It always takes me a few times writing the new year out before I stop making the mistake of writing out the old year that just past. Anyway,  I hope everyone had a great year! It always amazes me how fast time comes and goes. It amazes me how quickly my nieces and nephew have grown up. My niece is pregnant, and expecting her first child in April, and they are having a baby girl, but they won't reveal the baby's name.... I don't know why or what it will change by everyone knowing....... are they trying to build suspense? Hmmm. I don't get it, but that's their thing. But I'm going to be a GREAT Aunt! Yeay!! 
2014, what was the highlight for me? I'd say going to New York, and my mothers' birthday surprise party. My mother is an amazing woman, who looks damn good for her age! A class act. What was the highlight for you in 2014? share your 2014 experiences We'd love to hear them.

Let's all make 2015 an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G year!!! Here's to Family, Love, health, and success. And fashion!

"It's about looking and feeling fantabulous!" ™

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